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Top 10 Healthy Food Trends for 2015

1, The Best Food Trends to Adopt

Food fads come and go (remember the acai berry?), but trends emerge over time, anywhere from a couple of years to decades. Prominent ancient grains like quinoa give way to the newest member of the tribe (hello, teff!), while centuries-old cooking techniques reappear on menus across the country. So what should you put in your grocery cart and start cooking with? Everyday Health sorted through all of the up-and-coming ingredients and emerging ideas and grilled chefs, nutritionists, and industry experts – here are our predictions on what to pay attention to in 2015.

2, Teff

Quinoa and millet continue to be as popular as ever, but it’s not the only ancient whole grain you should watch out for. Whole Foods Market Culinary Content Editor, Molly Siegler, agrees that teff will be the hot, new (old) grain. A grass first cultivated in Ethiopia, teff is high in calcium, iron, fiber, and protein with a mild, sweet, and nutty taste. It’s also naturally gluten-free. Teff works well in a main or side dish, in baked goods, or as a substitute for cornmeal in this Teff “Polenta” with Sautéed Chard recipe.

3, Beet Greens

Kale continues to reign supreme but there’s a new green stepping into the spotlight. If you’ve bought beets with their leaves still attached, don’t toss them without giving them a go! Vitamin A-rich beet greens or beet spinach look similar to chard and even people who hate beets say they love beet greens. At Everyday Health, we like to use beet greens in smoothies and soups, swap them into a recipe that calls for spinach, kale, or collard greens, or sauté them for an easy side dish which cooks in just a couple of minutes. For a salty snack, try these Crispy Baked Beet Green Chips.

4, Heirloom Beans

Bored with traditional black and pinto beans? Don’t give up on this staple food! Next time you’re at the market, look out for heirloom beans. What makes them stand out are their stronger flavors, creamier and meatier textures, and some “make the best bean liquid to cook with,” according to Chef Ray Whitlock of The Georgia Club, in Athens, Georgia. Heirloom beans are a great vegan and gluten-free option and are rich in fiber and protein. There is a wide variety of heirloom beans to choose from and some of Whitlock’s favorites include scarlet runner beans (which are red or purple and black), French du Puy lentils (green in color), and Firetongue beans (which look like kidney beans). We like to sprinkle them on salads as a meat-free (yet meaty!) topping. Try scarlet runner beans in this Radicchio Radish Salad.

5, Rutabagas

Rutabagas aren’t just a funny-sounding name. These vitamin C-rich root vegetables with a mild peppery taste, are also known as yellow turnips, Swedish turnips, or swedes. They are definitely having a moment, according to Tony Stallone, Vice President of Fresh Markets for Peapod.com, right next to their more popular cousins, the turnips. Perfect raw or cooked, mashed, puréed, roasted, boiled, braised, or stir-fried, this flexible vegetable is perfect in a warming soup during the winter, such as in this Roasted Rutabaga and Parsnip Soup.

6, Grass-fed Dairy and Meats

For steak and cheese lovers looking for healthier choices, try grass-fed versions of your favorites, which have grown in popularity in the past decade and will continue to, as shoppers ask for more options, predicts Stallone. Grass-fed meats and dairy are from livestock whose diets are limited to grass and forage, such as legumes, and they naturally contain more omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants, which promote heart health. Since grass-fed meats tend to cost more, we stock up at wholesale stores like Costco and BJ’s to get the health benefits at a lower price.

7, Nut-Based Vegan Cheese

Keep an eye out at the market for emerging vegan cheese varieties. “Everyone’s favorite staple – cheese – gets a healthy makeover. Nut-based cheeses are made from [alternative milks such as] almond and macadamia nut milks but prepared in traditional cheesemaking style. Vegans and traditional cheese lovers alike will appreciate them,” forecasts Cathy Strange, Whole Foods Market Global Cheese Buyer. Depending on the milk and preparation used, vegan cheese can have several benefits, such as a boost in vitamins E and B12 from almond milk.

8, Gluten-Free Flours

If you need to avoid gluten or are simply looking to make baked goods more flavorful, consider gluten-free flours. There are many different types but some of the most popular choices are coconut flour, almond flour, and chickpea (or besan) flour, each with various nutrient levels. Both almond and coconut flours are good sources of fiber, while chickpea flour, a staple in Indian dishes, is high in protein. When baking, Everyday Health Editor Ashlee Davis prefers coconut and almond flours. "I think they give my baked goods a lighter, moister texture, with an even richer taste. It's fun to pair them with other naturally sweet ingredients like bananas, pumpkin, and dates. The combined flavors are delicious." Premixed all-purpose, gluten-free blends are also available and are better suited for baking recipes.

9, Bone Broth

The most-hyped trend for the new year? It’s definitely going to bone broth, which is typically made from beef, chicken, or turkey marrow bones that are boiled with herbs, spices, vegetables, vinegar, and water. But is it the magical elixir that will fight inflammation and boost the immune system? "While there’s no evidence that bone broth has special disease-fighting benefits, stocks are a great base for low-calorie soups that can help you eat more health-enhancing veggies and fuel your weight-loss success,” explains Everyday Health Nutrition Columnist, Johannah Sakimura.

10, Hyperlocal and Non-GMO Foods

You might have noticed more labels on food packages and the shift is evident. “People are starting to eat better and learn more about what is organic, natural, and what GMOs are,” observes Whitlock. It’s certainly a hot topic, as the debates on whether or not to require food labels to specify GMO ingredients, increase. Stallone also points out that the “sustainability factor” is the biggest concern, especially when it comes to local and regional produce. “People are very health-conscious and want to get very specific about the [foods and] products [they’re buying].” Stay up-to-date with food labels that apply to you and which claims might be misleading to make an informed choice at the farmer's market, grocery store, or supermarket.


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